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Version: v3

Burn Built-in Variables

The Burn engine offers a set of commonly-used variables so you can use them without defining your own. Here is the list of the built-in variable names:

  • AdminToolsFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS.
  • AppDataFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_APPDATA.
  • CommonAppDataFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA.
  • CommonFilesFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86.
  • CommonFiles64Folder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON.
  • CommonFiles6432Folder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON on 64-bit Windows and CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 on 32-bit Windows.
  • CompatibilityMode - non-zero if the operating system launched the bootstrapper in compatibility mode.
  • ComputerName - name of the computer as returned by GetComputerName() function.
  • Date - gets the current date using the short date format of the current user locale.
  • DesktopFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_DESKTOP.
  • FavoritesFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_FAVORITES.
  • FontsFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_FONTS.
  • InstallerName - gets the name of the installer engine ("WiX Burn").
  • InstallerVersion - gets the version of the installer engine.
  • LocalAppDataFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.
  • LogonUser - gets the current user name.
  • MyPicturesFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_MYPICTURES.
  • NativeMachine - gets the Image File Machine value representing the native architecture of the machine. This variable was added in v3.14 and is only set on Windows 10, version 1709 and higher.
  • NTProductType - numeric product type from OS version information.
  • NTSuiteBackOffice - non-zero if OS version suite is Back Office.
  • NTSuiteDataCenter - non-zero if OS version suite is Datacenter.
  • NTSuiteEnterprise - non-zero if OS version suite is Enterprise.
  • NTSuitePersonal - non-zero if OS version suite is Personal.
  • NTSuiteSmallBusiness - non-zero if OS version suite is Small Business.
  • NTSuiteSmallBusinessRestricted - non-zero if OS version suite is Restricted Small Business.
  • NTSuiteWebServer - non-zero if OS version suite is Web Server.
  • PersonalFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PERSONAL.
  • ProcessorArchitecture - gets the value of SYSTEM_INFO.wProcessorArchitecture. If NativeMachine is available then it should be used instead because this value is not accurate when running in WOW.
  • Privileged - non-zero if the process could run elevated (on Vista+) or is running as an Administrator (on WinXP).
  • ProgramFilesFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86.
  • ProgramFiles64Folder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES.
  • ProgramFiles6432Folder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES on 64-bit Windows and CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 on 32-bit Windows.
  • ProgramMenuFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_PROGRAMS.
  • RebootPending - non-zero if the system requires a reboot. Note that this value will reflect the reboot status of the system when the variable is first requested.
  • SendToFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_SENDTO.
  • ServicePackLevel - numeric value representing the installed OS service pack.
  • StartMenuFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_STARTMENU.
  • StartupFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_STARTUP.
  • SystemFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 on 64-bit Windows and CSIDL_SYSTEM on 32-bit Windows.
  • System64Folder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_SYSTEM on 64-bit Windows and undefined on 32-bit Windows.
  • SystemLanguageID - gets the language ID for the system locale.
  • TempFolder - gets the well-known folder for temp location.
  • TemplateFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_TEMPLATES.
  • TerminalServer - non-zero if the system is running in application server mode of Remote Desktop Services.
  • UserUILanguageID - gets the selection language ID for the current user locale.
  • UserLanguageID - gets the formatting language ID for the current user locale.
  • VersionMsi - version value representing the Windows Installer engine version.
  • VersionNT - version value representing the OS version. The result is a version variable (v#.#.#.#) which differs from the MSI Property 'VersionNT' which is an integer. For example, to use this variable in a Bundle condition try: "VersionNT > v6.1".
  • VersionNT64 - version value representing the OS version if 64-bit. Undefined if running a 32-bit operating system. The result is a version variable (v#.#.#.#) which differs from the MSI Property 'VersionNT64' which is an integer. For example, to use this variable in a Bundle condition try: "VersionNT64 > v6.1".
  • WindowsFolder - gets the well-known folder for CSIDL_WINDOWS.
  • WindowsVolume - gets the well-known folder for the windows volume.
  • WixBundleAction - set to the numeric value of BOOTSTRAPPER_ACTION from the command-line and updated during the call to IBootstrapperEngine::Plan().
  • WixBundleDirectoryLayout - set to the folder provided to the -layout switch (default is the directory containing the bundle executable). This variable can also be set by the bootstrapper application to modify where files will be laid out.
  • WixBundleElevated - gets whether the bundle was launched elevated and will be set to 1 once the bundle is elevated. For example, use this variable to show or hide the elevation shield in the bootstrapper application UI.
  • WixBundleExecutePackageCacheFolder - gets the absolute path to the currently executing package's cache folder. This variable is only available while the package is executing.
  • WixBundleForcedRestartPackage - gets the ID of the package that caused a force restart during apply. This value is reset on the next call to apply.
  • WixBundleInstalled - gets whether the bundle was already installed. This value is only set when the engine initializes.
  • WixBundleLastUsedSource - gets the path of the last successful source resolution for a container or payload.
  • WixBundleName - gets the name of the bundle (from Bundle/@Name). This variable can also be set by the bootstrapper application to modify the bundle name at runtime.
  • WixBundleManufacturer - gets the manufacturer of the bundle (from Bundle/@Manufacturer).
  • WixBundleOriginalSource - gets the source path from where the bundle originally ran.
  • WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder - gets the folder from where the bundle originally ran.
  • WixBundleSourceProcessPath - gets the source path of the bundle where originally executed. Will only be set when bundle is executing in the clean room.
  • WixBundleSourceProcessFolder - gets the source folder of the bundle where originally executed. Will only be set when bundle is executing in the clean room.
  • WixBundleProviderKey - gets the bundle dependency provider key.
  • WixBundleTag - gets the developer-defined tag string for this bundle (from Bundle/@Tag).
  • WixBundleUILevel - gets the level of the user interface (the value BOOTSTRAPPER_DISPLAY enum).
  • WixBundleVersion - gets the version for this bundle (from Bundle/@Version).