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ComponentRow Class

Specialization of a row for the Component table.


ComponentGets or sets the identifier for this Component row.
ConditionGets or sets the condition of the Component.
DirectoryGets or sets the Directory_ of the Component.
GuidGets or sets the ComponentId for this Component row.
Is64BitGets or sets the 64 bit attribute of the Component.
IsLocalOnlyGets or sets the local only attribute of the Component.
IsOdbcDataSourceKeyPathGets or sets the ODBC data source key path attribute of the Component.
IsOptionalGets or sets the optional attribute of the Component.
IsPermanentGets or sets the permanent attribute of the Component.
IsRegistryKeyPathGets or sets the registry key path attribute of the Component.
IsSharedDllGets or sets the shared dll ref count attribute of the Component.
IsSourceOnlyGets or sets the source only attribute of the Component.
KeyPathGets or sets the key path of the Component.
SourceFileGets or sets the source location to the file to fill in the Text of the control.

WixToolset.Data.dll version 5.0.2+aa65968c419420d32e3e1b647aea0082f5ca5b78

Component Property

Gets or sets the identifier for this Component row.


public string Component { get; set; } 

Condition Property

Gets or sets the condition of the Component.


public string Condition { get; set; } 

Directory Property

Gets or sets the Directory_ of the Component.


public string Directory { get; set; } 

Guid Property

Gets or sets the ComponentId for this Component row.


public string Guid { get; set; } 

Is64Bit Property

Gets or sets the 64 bit attribute of the Component.


public bool Is64Bit { get; set; } 

IsLocalOnly Property

Gets or sets the local only attribute of the Component.


public bool IsLocalOnly { get; set; } 

IsOdbcDataSourceKeyPath Property

Gets or sets the ODBC data source key path attribute of the Component.


public bool IsOdbcDataSourceKeyPath { get; set; } 

IsOptional Property

Gets or sets the optional attribute of the Component.


public bool IsOptional { get; set; } 

IsPermanent Property

Gets or sets the permanent attribute of the Component.


public bool IsPermanent { get; set; } 

IsRegistryKeyPath Property

Gets or sets the registry key path attribute of the Component.


public bool IsRegistryKeyPath { get; set; } 

IsSharedDll Property

Gets or sets the shared dll ref count attribute of the Component.


public bool IsSharedDll { get; set; } 

IsSourceOnly Property

Gets or sets the source only attribute of the Component.


public bool IsSourceOnly { get; set; } 

KeyPath Property

Gets or sets the key path of the Component.


public string KeyPath { get; set; } 

SourceFile Property

Gets or sets the source location to the file to fill in the Text of the control.


public string SourceFile { get; set; }