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QDatabase Class

Queryable MSI database - extends the base Database class with LINQ query functionality along with predefined entity types for common tables.


ComponentsQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
CreateFoldersQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
CustomActionsQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
DirectoriesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
DuplicateFilesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
FeatureComponentsQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
FeaturesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
FileHashesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
FilesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
InstallExecuteSequencesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
InstallUISequencesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
ItemGets a queryable table from the datbaase.
LaunchConditionsQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
LogGets or sets a log where all MSI SQL queries are written.
MediasQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
PropertiesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
RegistriesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.
RemoveFilesQueryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.

WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.dll version 5.0.1+2f00cbe680fb01ab485d56f16de9cd19b133f875

Components Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.Component_> Components { get; set; } 

CreateFolders Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.CreateFolder_> CreateFolders { get; set; } 

CustomActions Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.CustomAction_> CustomActions { get; set; } 

Directories Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.Directory_> Directories { get; set; } 

DuplicateFiles Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.DuplicateFile_> DuplicateFiles { get; set; } 

FeatureComponents Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.FeatureComponent_> FeatureComponents { get; set; } 

Features Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.Feature_> Features { get; set; } 

FileHashes Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.FileHash_> FileHashes { get; set; } 

Files Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.File_> Files { get; set; } 

InstallExecuteSequences Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.InstallSequence_> InstallExecuteSequences { get; set; } 

InstallUISequences Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.InstallSequence_> InstallUISequences { get; set; } 

Item Property

Gets a queryable table from the datbaase.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.QRecord> Item[
string table
] { get; set; }


tablestringname of the table

LaunchConditions Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.LaunchCondition_> LaunchConditions { get; set; } 

Log Property

Gets or sets a log where all MSI SQL queries are written.


public System.IO.TextWriter Log { get; set; } 


The log can be useful for debugging, or simply to watch the LINQ magic in action.

Medias Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.Media_> Medias { get; set; } 

Properties Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.Property_> Properties { get; set; } 

Registries Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.Registry_> Registries { get; set; } 

RemoveFiles Property

Queryable standard table with predefined specialized record type.


public QTable<WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Linq.Entities.RemoveFile_> RemoveFiles { get; set; }