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Detecting and installing .NET

WiX includes a number of MSI properties and bundle variables to detect .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET in the WixToolset.Netfx.wixext WiX extension. There is also a custom action to generate native images on .NET Framework. To use them, add a package reference to WixToolset.Netfx.wixext in your .wixproj or use wix extension and wix build -ext at the command line.

.NET Framework

WixToolset.Netfx.wixext includes support for "traditional" .NET Framework (as compared to .NET Core and just-call-me-.NET v5 and later).


Documentation is provided here for WixToolset.Netfx.wixext functionality for currently-supported versions of .NET Framework. Functionality for older versions is available but not documented.

Native-image generation

The NativeImage element marks a file to have the WixToolset.Netfx.wixext custom actions invoke the .NET Framework NGen tool during installation.


<File Source="Important.exe">
Platform="64bit" />

.NET Framework detection properties for MSI packages

WixToolset.Netfx.wixext also includes a set of properties that can be used to detect the presence of various versions of the .NET Framework.

The following properties let you detect a particular minimum version of .NET Framework 4.x releases that are in-place updates (rather than installed side-by-side with older releases).

WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_40_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.0 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_45_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.5 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_451_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_452_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_46_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.6 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_461_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_462_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_472_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_48_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.8 or later is installed.
WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_481_OR_LATER_INSTALLEDSet to 1 if .NET Framework 4.8.1 or later is installed.

For example:


Message="This application requires .NET Framework 4.8 or later."

The following property is applicable to all versions of the .NET Framework:

NETFRAMEWORKINSTALLROOTDIRSet to the root installation directory for all versions of the .NET Framework (%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\).

These properties are available for the .NET Framework 3.5 product family:

NETFRAMEWORK35Set to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_SP_LEVELIndicates the service pack level for the .NET Framework 3.5.
NETFRAMEWORK35INSTALLROOTDIRSet to the installation directory for the .NET Framework 3.5 (%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5).
NETFRAMEWORK35INSTALLROOTDIR64Set to the installation directory for the 64-bit .NET Framework 3.5 (%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5).
NETFRAMEWORK35_ZH_CN_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Chinese (Simplified) language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_ZH_TW_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Chinese (Traditional) language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_CS_CZ_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Czech language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_DA_DK_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Danish language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_NL_NL_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Dutch language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_FI_FI_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Finnish language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_FR_FR_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 French language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_DE_DE_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 German language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_EL_GR_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Greek language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_HU_HU_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Hungarian language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_IT_IT_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Italian language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_JA_JP_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Japanese language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_KO_KR_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Korean language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_NB_NO_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Norwegian language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_PL_PL_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Polish language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_PT_BR_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Portuguese (Brazil) language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_PT_PT_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Portuguese (Portugal) language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_RU_RU_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Russian language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_ES_ES_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Spanish language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_SV_SE_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Swedish language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_TR_TR_LANGPACKSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 Turkish language pack is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_CLIENTSet to #1 if the .NET Framework 3.5 client profile is installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK35_CLIENT_SP_LEVELIndicates the service pack level for the .NET Framework 3.5 client profile.

Because .NET Framework v4.5 and later are in-place updates, the following properties apply to all currently-supported versions of .NET Framework v4.x. For more information, see .NET Framework deployment guide for developers.

NETFRAMEWORK4XSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_AR_SA_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Arabic language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_ZH_CN_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Chinese (Simplified) language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_ZH_TW_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Chinese (Traditional) language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_CS_CZ_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Czech language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_DA_DK_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Danish language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_NL_NL_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Dutch language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_FI_FI_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Finnish language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_FR_FR_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X French language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_DE_DE_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X German language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_EL_GR_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Greek language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_HE_IL_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Hebrew language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_HU_HU_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Hungarian language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_IT_IT_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Italian language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_JA_JP_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Japanese language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_KO_KR_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Korean language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_NB_NO_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Norwegian language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_PL_PL_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Polish language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_PT_BR_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Portuguese (Brazil) language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_PT_PT_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Portuguese (Portugal) language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_RU_RU_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Russian language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_ES_ES_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Spanish language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_SV_SE_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Swedish language pack if installed (not set otherwise).
NETFRAMEWORK4X_TR_TR_LANGPACKSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.X Turkish language pack if installed (not set otherwise).

.NET Framework detection variables for bundles

NETFRAMEWORK35_SP_LEVELIndicates the service pack level for the .NET Framework 3.5.
WixNetFramework4xInstalledReleaseSet to Release number of the .NET Framework 4.x if installed (not set otherwise).

For example:

<util:RegistrySearchRef Id="WixNetFramework4xInstalledRelease" />

Package groups to install .NET in bundles

PackageGroup IdDescription
NetFx462Web.NET Framework v4.6.2 Web redistributable installer
NetFx462WebAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.6.2 Web redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx462Redist.NET Framework v4.6.2 standalone redistributable installer
NetFx462RedistAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.6.2 standalone redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx472Web.NET Framework v4.7.2 Web redistributable installer
NetFx472WebAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.7.2 Web redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx472Redist.NET Framework v4.7.2 standalone redistributable installer
NetFx472RedistAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.7.2 standalone redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx48Web.NET Framework v4.8 Web redistributable installer
NetFx48WebAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.8 Web redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx48Redist.NET Framework v4.8 standalone redistributable installer
NetFx48RedistAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.8 standalone redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx481Web.NET Framework v4.8.1 Web redistributable installer
NetFx481WebAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.8.1 Web redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite
NetFx481Redist.NET Framework v4.8.1 standalone redistributable installer
NetFx481RedistAsPrereq.NET Framework v4.8.1 standalone redistributable installer, as a managed-code bootstrapper application prerequisite

For example:

<!-- Our BA needs .NET 4.8, so make sure to include that as a prereq! -->
<PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx48RedistAsPrereq" />

.NET and .NET Core

This section documents support in WixToolset.Netfx.wixext for non-Framework .NET -- .NET Core and .NET (v5 and later).

Detecting .NET in MSI packages

WixToolset.Netfx.wixext supports these elements to detect .NET in packages:

DotNetCompatibilityCheckSets a property to a value indicating whether an appropriate version of the .NET runtime is already installed on the machine.
DotNetCompatibilityCheckRefReferences a DotNetCompatibilityCheck defined elsewhere.

For example:


Detecting .NET in bundles

WixToolset.Netfx.wixext supports these elements to detect .NET in bundles:

DotNetCoreSdkFeatureBandSearchSets a variable to the latest installed version of the specified .NET SDK by feature band.
DotNetCoreSdkFeatureBandSearchRefReferences a DotNetCoreSdkFeatureBandSearch defined elsewhere.
DotNetCoreSdkSearchSets a variable to the latest installed version of the specified .NET SDK.
DotNetCoreSdkSearchRefReferences a DotNetCoreSdkSearch defined elsewhere.
DotNetCoreSearchSets a variable to the latest installed version of the specified .NET runtime type.
DotNetCoreSearchRefReferences a DotNetCoreSearch defined elsewhere.

For example:
