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DotNetCoreSdkFeatureBandSearch element (Netfx extension)

Searches for an installation of .NET Core SDK of the given platform. The variable gets set to the latest version of the SDK that is in the feature band specified by Version.


Bundle, Fragment


After (String) : Id of the search that this one should come after.

Condition (String) : Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.

Id (String) : Identifier for the search. If the Id is not specified, one will be generated.

Platform (NetfxPreprocessorPlatformType) : The platform to search for.

Variable (String, required) : Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.

Version (wxs:StrictThreePartVersionType) : A specific .NET Core SDK feature band. For example, "6.0.400". For more information about feature bands, see

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