Exclusion element
Declares a merge module with which this merge module is incompatible.
ExcludedId (String, required) : Identifier of the merge module that is incompatible.
ExcludedMaxVersion (String) : Maximum version excluded from a range. If not set, all versions after min are excluded. If neither max nor min, no exclusion based on version.
ExcludedMinVersion (String) : Minimum version excluded from a range. If not set, all versions before max are excluded. If neither max nor min, no exclusion based on version.
ExcludeExceptLanguage (Integer) : Numeric language ID of the merge module in ExcludedID. All except this language will be excluded. Only one of ExcludeExceptLanguage and ExcludeLanguage may be specified.
ExcludeLanguage (Integer) : Numeric language ID of the merge module in ExcludedID. The specified language will be excluded. Only one of ExcludeExceptLanguage and ExcludeLanguage may be specified.