Wix.exe command-line reference
The Wix.exe .NET tool provides a reassuringly old-fashioned command-line interface to WiX. Like the dotnet
command-line tool that inspired it, Wix.exe has a number of command, some with subcommands, and both required and optional switches.
Wix.exe commands
Wix.exe offers the following commands:
Wix.exe command | Description |
wix build | Build a wixlib, package, or bundle. |
wix msi | Specialized operations for manipulating Windows Installer packages. |
wix burn | Specialized operations for manipulating Burn-based bundles. |
wix extension | Manage WiX extension cache. |
wix convert | Convert v3 source code to v4 source code. |
wix format | Ensure consistent formatting of source code. |
Wix.exe has the following switches that are common to all commands:
Option | Description |
--help or -h | Show command line help. |
--version | Display WiX Toolset version in use. |
--nologo | Suppress displaying the logo information. |
wix build
Build a package, bundle, or library.
wix build [options] source_file.wxs [source_file.wxs ...]
Option | Description |
-arch arch | Architecture of the package or bundle. Valid values are: x86, x64, arm64. Default: x86. Equivalent MSBuild property: InstallerPlatform |
-bindfiles or -bf | Bind files into an output .wixlib. Ignored if not building a .wixlib. |
-bindpath or -b path | Bind path to search for content files. |
-bindpath:target or -bt path | Bind path to search for target package's content files. Only used when building a patch. |
-bindpath:update or -bu path | Bind path to search for update package's content files. Only used when building a patch. |
-bindvariable or -bv name=value | Sets a bind-time variable. |
-cabcache or -cc path | Set a folder to cache cabinets across builds. |
-culture culture | Adds a culture to filter localization files. |
-define or -d name=value | Sets a preprocessor variable. |
-defaultcompressionlevel or -dcl level | Specifies the compression level used when none is specified via MediaTemplate or Media . Valid values are: none, low, medium, high, mszip. Default: medium. Equivalent MSBuild property: DefaultCompressionLevel |
-ext id | Load a WiX extension for use during the build. |
-includepath or -i path | Folder to search for include files. |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-loc path | Localization file to use in the build. By default, .wxl files are recognized as localization. |
-lib path | Library file to use in the build. By default, .wixlib files are recognized as libraries. |
-src path | Source file to use in the build. By default, .wxs files are recognized as source code. |
-out or -o path | Destination path of output. Required when there are multiple source files; otherwise, defaults to the base name of the source file. |
-outputtype type | Explicitly set the output type if it cannot be determined from the output. |
-pdb path | Optional path to output .wixpdb. Default will write .wixpdb beside output path. |
-pdbtype type | Switch to disable creation of .wixpdb. Types: full or none. |
wix msi
The wix msi
command has the following subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
wix msi decompile | Converts a Windows Installer database back into source code. |
wix msi inscribe | Updates MSI database with cabinet signature information. |
wix msi transform | Creates an MST transform file. |
wix msi validate | Validates MSI database using standard or custom ICEs. |
wix msi decompile
Decompile a package or merge module into WiX authoring or WiX data file.
wix msi decompile [options] {inputfile.msi|inputfile.msm}
Option | Description |
-data | Decompile into a WiX data file instead of WiX authoring. |
-sct | Suppress decompiling custom tables. |
-sdet | Suppress dropping empty tables. |
-sras | Suppress relative action sequencing. |
-sui | Suppress decompiling UI tables. |
-type type | Optionally specify the input file type: msi or msm. If not specified, type is inferred by file extension. |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-out or -o path | Optional path for the decompiled output file. If not specified, output path will have the same base name as the input file in the same directory. |
-x path | If specified, export embedded binaries and icons to specified folder. |
wix msi inscribe
Update an MSI package with the signatures of detached cabinets.
wix msi inscribe [options] input.msi
Option | Description |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-out or -o path | Optional path for the inscribed package. If not specified, wix msi inscribe updates the input file in-place. |
wix msi transform
Create a Windows Installer transform file (.mst).
msi transform [options] target.msi [updated.msi] -out output.mst
Option | Description |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-out or -o path | Required path for the transform file. |
-p | Preserve unchanged rows. |
-pedantic | Show pedantic messages. |
-serr flags | Suppress error when applying transform; see Error flags below. |
-t type | Use default validation flags for the specified transform type; see Transform types below. |
-val flags | Validation flags for the transform; see Validation flags below. |
-x path | If specified, export embedded binaries and icons to specified folder. |
-xo | Output transfrom as a WiX output instead of an MST file. |
Error flag for -serr | Description |
a | Ignore errors when adding an existing row. |
b | Ignore errors when deleting a missing row. |
c | Ignore errors when adding an existing table. |
d | Ignore errors when deleting a missing table. |
e | Ignore errors when modifying a missing row. |
f | Ignore errors when changing the code page. |
Validation flag for -val | Description |
g | UpgradeCode must match |
l | Language must match |
r | Product ID must match |
s | Check major version only |
t | Check major and minor versions |
u | Check major, minor, and upgrade versions |
v | Upgrade version < target version |
w | Upgrade version <= target version |
x | Upgrade version = target version |
y | Upgrade version > target version |
z | Upgrade version >= target version |
Transform type for -t | Description |
language | Default flags for a language transform: abcdef and r |
instance | Default flags for an instance transform: abcdef and ruy |
patch | Default flags for a patch transform: abcdef and grux |
wix msi validate
Validates MSI database using standard or custom Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs).
msi validate [options] {inputfile.msi|inputfile.msm}
Option | Description |
-cub path | Optional path to a custom validation .CUBe file. |
-ice id | Validates only with the specified ICE. May be provided multiple times. |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-pdb path | Optional path to .wixpdb for source line information. If not provided, wix msi validate looks next to the input file. |
-sice id | Suppresses an ICE validator. May be provided multiple times. |
wix burn
The wix burn
command has the following subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
wix burn detach | Detach the Burn engine from a bundle so it can be signed. |
wix burn extract | Extract the internals of a bundle to a folder. |
wix burn reattach | Reattach a signed Burn engine to a bundle. |
wix burn remotepayload | Generate source code for a remote payload. |
wix burn detach
and wix burn reattach
The wix burn detach
and wix burn reattach
subcommands are used to sign bundles. For details, see Signing bundles.
wix burn detach [options] original.exe -engine engine.exe
Option | Description |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-engine path | Path for extracted bundle engine. |
wix burn reattach [options] original.exe -engine signed.exe -o final.exe
Option | Description |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-engine path | Required path to Burn engine extracted using wix burn detach and then signed. |
-out or -o path | Required path to output bundle with reattached signed engine that can then be signed as a whole. |
wix burn extract
Extracts the contents of a bundle.
wix burn extract [options] bundle.exe -o outputfolder
Option | Description |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-out or -o path | Target directory for extracted bundle containers. At least one of -out and -outba must be specified. |
-outba or -oba path | Target directory for extracted bootstrapper application container. At least one of -out and -outba must be specified. |
wix burn remotepayload
Generate source code for a remote payload.
wix burn remotepayload [options] payloadfile [payloadfile ...]
Option | Description |
-basepath or -bp path | Folder as base to make payloads relative. |
-bundlepayloadgeneration type | Sets the package payload generation option; available types are: none, externalwithoutdownloadurl, external, all. |
-downloadurl or -du | Sets the DownloadUrl attribute on the generated payloads. |
-intermediateFolder path | Optional working folder. If not specified, a folder in %TMP% is created. |
-out or -o path | Destination path of output source file. |
-recurse or -r | Generate source code for all payloads in directory recursively. |
-packagetype type | Explicitly set package type; available types are: bundle, exe, msu. |
-usecertificate | Use certificate to validate signed payloads. This option is not recommended. |
wix extension
Manage the extension cache. Extensions are referenced by:
(uses specified version)id
(uses the latest available version)
When omitting version
, wix extension
commands could choose a version of an extension that is incompatible with the version of WiX you're running. Use a specific version to avoid that scenario. For example: wix extension add WixToolset.Util.wixext/5.0.1
Subcommand | Description |
wix extension add | Add extension to the cache. |
wix extension list | List extensions in the cache. |
wix extension remove | Remove extension from the cache. |
wix extension add|remove|list [options] [extensionRef]
Option | Description |
--global or -g | Manage the extension for the current user's WiX extension cache. If not specified, manages the extension relative to the current directory. |
wix convert
Convert v3 source code to v4 source code.
wix convert [options] sourceFile [sourceFile ...]
sourceFile can include wildcards like *.wxs
Option | Description |
--custom-table type | Convert custom table authoring for use in MSI packages (msi) or bundles (bundle). |
--dry-run or -n | Only display errors, do not update files. |
--recurse or -r | Search for matching files in current dir and subdirs. |
-set1 path | Primary settings file. No space between -set1 and file path. |
-set2 path | Secondary settings file (overrides primary). No space between -set2 and file path. |
-indent:n | Indentation multiple (overrides default of 4). |
wix format
Ensure consistent formatting of source code.
wix format [options] sourceFile [sourceFile ...]
sourceFile can include wildcards like *.wxs
Option | Description |
--dry-run or -n | Only display errors, do not update files. |
--recurse or -r | Search for matching files in current dir and subdirs. |
-set1 path | Primary settings file. No space between -set1 and file path. |
-set2 path | Secondary settings file (overrides primary). No space between -set2 and file path. |
-indent:n | Indentation multiple (overrides default of 4). |
convert/format settings
Test ID | Description |
InspectorTestTypeUnknown | Internal only: displayed when a string cannot be converted to an InspectorTestType. |
XmlException | Displayed when an XML loading exception has occurred. |
WhitespacePrecedingNodeWrong | Displayed when the whitespace preceding a node is wrong. |
WhitespacePrecedingEndElementWrong | Displayed when the whitespace preceding an end element is wrong. |
DeclarationPresent | Displayed when the XML declaration is present in the source file. |
DeprecatedLocalizationVariablePrefixInTextValue | Displayed when inner text contains a deprecated $(loc.xxx) reference. |
UnauthorizedAccessException | Displayed when a file cannot be accessed; typically when trying to save back a fixed file. |
XmlnsMissing | Displayed when the xmlns attribute is missing from the document element.x |
XmlnsValueWrong | Displayed when the xmlns attribute on the document element is wrong.x |
DeprecatedLocalizationVariablePrefixInTextValue | Displayed when inner text contains a deprecated $(loc.xxx) reference. |
DeprecatedLocalizationVariablePrefixInAttributeValue | Displayed when an attribute value contains a deprecated $(loc.xxx) reference. |
AssignAnonymousFileId | Assign an identifier to a File element when on Id attribute is specified. |
BundleSignatureValidationObsolete | SuppressSignatureValidation attribute is obsolete and corresponding functionality removed. |
WixCABinaryIdRenamed | WixCA Binary/@Id has been renamed to UtilCA. |
QuietExecCustomActionsRenamed | QtExec custom actions have been renamed. |
QtExecCmdTimeoutAmbiguous | QtExecCmdTimeout was previously used for both CAQuietExec and CAQuietExec64. For WixQuietExec, use WixQuietExecCmdTimeout. For WixQuietExec64, use WixQuietExec64CmdTimeout. |
AssignDirectoryNameFromShortName | Directory/@ShortName may only be specified with Directory/@Name. |
BootstrapperApplicationDataDeprecated | BootstrapperApplicationData attribute is deprecated and replaced with Unreal for MSI. Use BundleCustomData element for Bundles. |
AssignPermissionExInheritable | Inheritable is new and is now defaulted to 'yes' which is a change in behavior for all but children of CreateFolder. |
ColumnCategoryCamelCase | Column element's Category attribute is camel-case. |
ColumnModularizeCamelCase | Column element's Modularize attribute is camel-case. |
InnerTextDeprecated | Inner text value should move to an attribute. |
AutoGuidUnnecessary | Explicit auto-GUID unnecessary. |
FeatureAbsentAttributeReplaced | The Feature Absent attribute renamed to AllowAbsent. |
FeatureAllowAdvertiseValueDeprecated | The Feature AllowAdvertise attribute value deprecated. |
PublishConditionOneUnnecessary | The Condition='1' attribute is unnecessary on Publish elements. |
AssignBootstrapperApplicationDpiAwareness | DpiAwareness is new and is defaulted to 'perMonitorV2' which is a change in behavior. |
AssignVariableTypeFormatted | The string variable type was previously treated as formatted. |
CustomActionKeysAreNowRefs | The CustomAction attributes have been renamed from BinaryKey and FileKey to BinaryRef and FileRef. |
ProductAndPackageRenamed | The Product and Package elements have been renamed and reorganized. |
ModuleAndPackageRenamed | The Module and Package elements have been renamed and reorganized. |
DefaultMediaTemplate | A MediaTemplate with no attributes set is now provided by default. |
UtilRegistryValueSearchBehaviorChange | util:RegistrySearch has breaking change when value is missing. |
DisplayInternalUiNotConvertable | DisplayInternalUI can't be converted. |
InstallerVersionBehaviorChange | InstallerVersion has breaking change when omitted. |
VerbTargetNotConvertable | Verb/@Target can't be converted. |
BootstrapperApplicationDll | The bootstrapper application dll is now specified in its own element. |
BootstrapperApplicationDllRequired | The new bootstrapper application dll element is required. |
BalUseUILanguagesDeprecated | bal:UseUILanguages is deprecated, 'true' is now the standard behavior. |
BalBootstrapperApplicationRefToElement | The custom elements for built-in BAs are now required. |
RenameExePackageCommandToArguments | The ExePackage elements "XxxCommand" attributes have been renamed to "XxxArguments". |
Win64AttributeRenamed | The Win64 attribute has been renamed. Use the Bitness attribute instead. |
Win64AttributeRenameCannotBeAutomatic | Breaking change: The Win64 attribute's value '{0}' cannot be converted automatically to the new Bitness attribute. |
TagElementRenamed | The Tag element has been renamed. Use the element 'SoftwareTag' name. |
IntegratedDependencyNamespace | The Dependency namespace has been incorporated into WiX v4 namespace. |
RemoveUnusedNamespaces | Remove unused namespaces. |
RemotePayloadRenamed | The Remote element has been renamed. Use the "XxxPackagePayload" element instead. |
NameAttributeMovedToRemotePayload | The XxxPackage/@Name attribute must be specified on the child XxxPackagePayload element when using a remote payload. |
CompressedAttributeUnnecessaryForRemotePayload | The XxxPackage/@Compressed attribute should not be specified when using a remote payload. |
DownloadUrlAttributeMovedToRemotePayload | The XxxPackage/@DownloadUrl attribute must be specified on the child XxxPackagePayload element when using a remote payload. |
BurnHashAlgorithmChanged | The hash algorithm used for bundles changed from SHA1 to SHA512. |
CustomTableNotAlwaysConvertable | CustomTable elements can't always be converted. |
CustomTableRef | CustomTable elements that don't contain the table definition are now CustomTableRef. |
RegistryKeyActionObsolete | The RegistryKey element's Action attribute is obsolete. |
TagRefElementRenamed | The TagRef element has been renamed. Use the element 'SoftwareTagRef' name. |
SoftwareTagLicensedObsolete | The SoftwareTag element's Licensed attribute is obsolete. |
SoftwareTagTypeObsolete | The SoftwareTag element's Type attribute is obsolete. |
TargetDirDeprecated | TARGETDIR directory should no longer be explicitly defined. |
DefiningStandardDirectoryDeprecated | Standard directories should no longer be defined using the Directory element. |
ReferencesReplaced | Naked UI, custom action, and property references replaced with elements. |
BundlePackageCacheAttributeValueObsolete | Cache attribute value updated. |
MsuPackageKBObsolete | The MsuPackage element contains obsolete '{0}' attribute. Windows no longer supports silently removing MSUs so the attribute is unnecessary. The attribute will be removed. |
MsuPackagePermanentObsolete | The MsuPackage element contains obsolete '{0}' attribute. MSU packages are now always permanent because Windows no longer supports silently removing MSUs. The attribute will be removed. |
MoveNamespacesToRoot | Namespace should be defined on the root. The '{0}' namespace was move to the root element. |
CustomActionIdsIncludePlatformSuffix | Custom action ids have changed in WiX v4 extensions. Because WiX v4 has platform-specific custom actions, the platform is applied as a suffix: _X86, _X64, _A64 (Arm64). When manually rescheduling custom actions, you must use the new custom action id, with platform suffix. |
StandardDirectoryRefDeprecated | The {0} directory should no longer be explicitly referenced. Remove the DirectoryRef element with Id attribute '{0}'. |
EmptyStandardDirectoryRefNotConvertable | Referencing '{0}' directory directly is no longer supported. The DirectoryRef will not be removed but you will probably need to reference a more specific directory. |
WixMbaPrereqLicenseUrlDeprecated | The magic WixVariable 'WixMbaPrereqLicenseUrl' has been removed. Add bal:PrereqLicenseUrl="url" to a prereq package instead. |
WixMbaPrereqPackageIdDeprecated | The magic WixVariable 'WixMbaPrereqPackageId' has been removed. Add bal:PrereqPackage="yes" to the target package instead. |
TargetDirRefRemoved | A reference to the TARGETDIR Directory was removed. This may cause the Fragment that defined TARGETDIR to not be included in the final output. If this happens, reference a different element in the Fragment to replace the old reference to TARGEDIR. |