Name | Type | Description | Required |
AutoResize | YesNoType | Specifies whether the ThmUtil default window proc should process WM_SIZE and WM_SIZING events. | |
FontId | NonNegativeInteger | Numeric identifier to the Font element that serves as the default font for the window. | |
Height | PositiveInteger | Height of the window. | |
HexStyle | HexBinary | Hexadecimal window style. If this is not specified the default value is: WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_VISIBLE | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_SYSMENU. If SourceX and SourceY are greater than 0, then WS_OVERLAPPED is replaced with WS_POPUP. | |
IconFile | String | Relative path to an icon file for the window. Mutually exclusive with IconResource and SourceX and SourceY attributes. | |
IconResource | String | Identifier that references icon resource in the module for the window. Mutually exclusive with IconFile and SourceX and SourceY attributes. | |
MinimumHeight | PositiveInteger | Minimum height of the window. Only functions if AutoResize is enabled. | |
MinimumWidth | PositiveInteger | Minimum width of the window. Only functions if AutoResize is enabled. | |
SourceX | NonNegativeInteger | X offset of the window background in the Theme/@ImageFile. Mutually exclusive with IconFile and IconResource. | |
SourceY | NonNegativeInteger | Y offset of the window background in the Theme/@ImageFile. Mutually exclusive with IconFile and IconResource. | |
Width | PositiveInteger | Width of the window. | |