Name | Type | Description | Required |
Hidden | YesNoType | Whether the value of the variable should be hidden. | |
Name | String | The name for the variable. | Yes |
Persisted | YesNoType | Whether the variable should be persisted. | |
Type | Enumeration | Type of the variable, inferred from the value if not specified. This attribute's value must be one of the following:- string
- numeric
- version
| |
Value | String | Starting value for the variable. | |
Any Attribute (namespace='##other' processContents='lax') Extensibility point in the WiX XML Schema. Schema extensions can register additional attributes at this point in the schema. |
Overridable | YesNoType | When set to "yes", lets the user override the variable's default value by specifying another value on the command line, in the form Variable=Value. Otherwise, WixStdBA won't overwrite the default value and will log "Ignoring attempt to set non-overridable variable: 'BAR'." ( | |