DotNetCoreSearch element (Netfx extension)
Searches for an installation of .NET Core. The variable gets set to the latest version of the given Runtime, Platform, and Major Version.
After (String) : Id of the search that this one should come after.
Condition (String) : Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.
Id (String) : Identifier for the search. If the Id is not specified, one will be generated.
MajorVersion (wxs:Integer) : Major version of .NET. For example, "6".
Platform (NetfxPreprocessorPlatformType) : The platform to search for.
RuntimeType (enumeration) : The type of .NET Core runtime to search for. This attribute's value must be one of the following:
- aspnet: Attempt to check for an ASP.NET Core type runtime. The ASP.NET Core Runtime enables you to run web/server applications.
- core: Attempt to check for a .NET type runtime. The .NET Core Runtime contains just the components needed to run a console app.
- desktop: Attempt to check for a .NET Desktop type runtime. The .NET Desktop Runtime enables you to run Windows desktop applications.
Variable (String, required) : Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.