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Version: v3

PatchCreation Element

The PatchCreation element is analogous to the main function in a C program. When linking, only one PatchCreation section can be given to the linker to produce a successful result. Using this element creates a pcp file.
Windows Installer references
Inner Text
Sequence (min: 1, max: 1)
  1. PatchInformation (min: 1, max: 1)
  2. PatchMetadata (min: 0, max: 1)
  3. Family (min: 1, max: unbounded)
  4. Choice of elements (min: 0, max: unbounded)
IdGuidPatchCreation identifier; this is the primary key for identifying patches.Yes
AllowMajorVersionMismatchesYesNoTypeUse this to set whether the major versions between the upgrade and target images match. See AllowProductVersionMajorMismatches for more information. 
AllowProductCodeMismatchesYesNoTypeUse this to set whether the product code between the upgrade and target images match. See AllowProductCodeMismatches for more information. 
CleanWorkingFolderYesNoTypeUse this to set whether Patchwiz should clean the temp folder when finished. See DontRemoveTempFolderWhenFinished for more information. 
CodepageStringThe code page integer value or web name for the resulting PCP. See remarks for more information. 
OutputPathStringThe full path, including file name, of the patch package file that is to be generated. See PatchOutputPath for more information. 
SourceListStringUsed to locate the .msp file for the patch if the cached copy is unavailable. See PatchSourceList for more information. 
SymbolFlagsIntAn 8-digit hex integer representing the combination of patch symbol usage flags to use when creating a binary file patch. See ApiPatchingSymbolFlags for more information. 
WholeFilesOnlyYesNoTypeUse this to set whether changing files should be included in their entirety. See IncludeWholeFilesOnly for more information. 

You can specify any valid Windows code by by integer like 1252, or by web name like Windows-1252. See Code Pages for more information.

See Also
Wix Schema