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Create element for custom BA and BE data

User stories

  • As a Setup developer I can author custom data in my bundle such that my Bootstrapper Application can be dynamic.

  • As a Setup developer I can author custom data in my bundle such that my Bundle Extension can by dynamic.


Add BundleCustomData element.

  <xs:element name="BundleCustomData">
<xs:documentation>Defines a custom XML element for use in a bundle data manifest.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="BundleAttributeDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Attribute definition for BundleCustomData.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="BundleElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Instance data for BundleCustomData.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required">
Identifier for the custom table.
Also used as the name of the XML element.
<xs:attribute name="Type" type="YesNoType" use="required">
<xs:documentation>Indicates the custom data is transformed into the bootstrapper application data manifest or the bundle extension data manifest.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="BootstrapperApplication" />
<xs:enumeration value="BundleExtension" />
<xs:attribute name="ExtensionId" type="xs:string">
Identifier for the bundle extension.
Required when Type is BundleExtension, must not be specified otherwise.
<xs:element name="BundleAttributeDefinition">
<xs:documentation>Attribute definition for BundleCustomData.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required">
<xs:documentation>The name of the attribute.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="BundleElement">
<xs:documentation>Instance data for BundleCustomData.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="BundleAttribute" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xs:element name="BundleAttribute">
<xs:documentation>Used for BundleCustomData. Specifies a BundleAttributeDefinition and its value for the parent BundleElement.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>An attribute's value</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="Id" use="required" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Specifies the BundleAttributeDefinition associated with this value.</xs:documentation>


This will also help the Windows Installer backend and the Burn backend help the Setup developer to use the correct element.

See Also