ComplexReferenceChildType Enumeration
Types of children in complex refernece.
Member | Description |
Component | Component child of complex reference. |
ComponentGroup | ComponentGroup child of complex reference. |
ContainerPackage | ContainerPackage child of complex reference. |
Feature | Feature child of complex reference. |
FeatureGroup | FeatureGroup child of complex reference. |
Module | Module child of complex reference. |
Package | Package child of complex reference. |
PackageGroup | PackageGroup child of complex reference. |
PackagePayload | PackagePayload child of complex reference. |
PatchFamily | PatchFamily child of complex reference. |
PatchFamilyGroup | PatchFamilyGroup child of complex reference. |
Payload | Payload child of complex reference. |
PayloadGroup | PayloadGroup child of complex reference. |
Unknown | Unknown complex reference type, default and invalid. |
version 5.0.2+aa65968c419420d32e3e1b647aea0082f5ca5b78