ResourceCollection Class
Allows reading and editing of resource data in a Win32 PE file.
Method | Description |
Add(item) | Adds a new item to the collection. |
Clear() | Removes all resources from the collection. |
Contains(item) | Tests if the collection contains an item. |
CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) | Copies the collection into an array. |
Find(resFile) | Locates all resources in a file, including all resource types and languages. For each located resource, a «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» instance (or subclass) is added to the collection. |
Find(resFile, type) | Locates all resources in a file of a given type, including all languages. For each located resource, a «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» instance (or subclass) is added to the collection. |
Find(resFile, type, name) | Locates all resources in a file of a given type and language. For each located resource, a «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» instance (or subclass) is added to the collection. |
GetEnumerator() | Gets an enumerator over all resources in the collection. |
IndexOf(item) | Gets the index of an item in the collection. |
Insert(index, item) | Inserts a item into the collection. |
Load(file) | For all resources in the collection, loads their data from a resource file. |
Remove(item) | Removes an item to the collection. |
Save(file) | For all resources in the collection, saves their data to a resource file. |
Property | Description |
Count | Gets the number of resources in the collection. |
Item | Gets or sets the element at the specified index. |
To use this class:
- Create a new ResourceCollection
- Locate resources for the collection by calling one of the «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.ResourceCollection.Find(System.String)» methods
- Load data of one or more «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» s from a file by calling the «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.ResourceCollection.Load(System.String)» method of the Resource class, or load them all at once (more efficient) with the «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.ResourceCollection.Load(System.String)» method of the ResourceCollection.
- Read and/or edit data of the individual Resource objects using the methods on that class.
- Save data of one or more «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» s to a file by calling the «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.ResourceCollection.Save(System.String)» method of the Resource class, or save them all at once (more efficient) with the «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.ResourceCollection.Save(System.String)» method of the ResourceCollection.
version 5.0.2+aa65968c419420d32e3e1b647aea0082f5ca5b78
Add(item) Method
Adds a new item to the collection.
public void Add(
Resource item
Parameter | Type | Description |
item | Resource | The Resource to add. |
Clear() Method
Removes all resources from the collection.
public void Clear()
Contains(item) Method
Tests if the collection contains an item.
public bool Contains(
Resource item
Parameter | Type | Description |
item | Resource | The Resource to search for. |
Return value
true if the item is found; false otherwise
CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) Method
Copies the collection into an array.
public void CopyTo(
Resource[] array,
int arrayIndex
Parameter | Type | Description |
array | Resource[] | The array to copy into. |
arrayIndex | int | The starting index in the destination array. |
Find(resFile) Method
Locates all resources in a file, including all resource types and languages. For each located resource, a «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» instance (or subclass) is added to the collection.
public void Find(
string resFile
Parameter | Type | Description |
resFile | string | The file to be searched for resources. |
Exception | Description |
T:System.IO.IOException | resources could not be read from the file |
Find(resFile, type) Method
Locates all resources in a file of a given type, including all languages. For each located resource, a «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» instance (or subclass) is added to the collection.
public void Find(
string resFile,
ResourceType type
Parameter | Type | Description |
resFile | string | The file to be searched for resources. |
type | ResourceType | The type of resource to search for; may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type. |
Exception | Description |
T:System.IO.IOException | resources could not be read from the file |
Find(resFile, type, name) Method
Locates all resources in a file of a given type and language. For each located resource, a «see T:WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource» instance (or subclass) is added to the collection.
public void Find(
string resFile,
ResourceType type,
string name
Parameter | Type | Description |
resFile | string | The file to be searched for resources. |
type | ResourceType | The type of resource to search for; may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type. |
name | string | The name of the resource to search for. |
Exception | Description |
T:System.IO.IOException | resources could not be read from the file |
GetEnumerator() Method
Gets an enumerator over all resources in the collection.
public IEnumerator<WixToolset.Dtf.Resources.Resource> GetEnumerator()
IndexOf(item) Method
Gets the index of an item in the collection.
public int IndexOf(
Resource item
Parameter | Type | Description |
item | Resource | The Resource to search for. |
Return value
The index of the item, or -1 if not found.
Insert(index, item) Method
Inserts a item into the collection.
public void Insert(
int index,
Resource item
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | The insertion index. |
item | Resource | The Resource to insert. |
Load(file) Method
For all resources in the collection, loads their data from a resource file.
public void Load(
string file
Parameter | Type | Description |
file | string | The file from which resources are loaded. |
Remove(item) Method
Removes an item to the collection.
public bool Remove(
Resource item
Parameter | Type | Description |
item | Resource | The Resource to remove. |
Save(file) Method
For all resources in the collection, saves their data to a resource file.
public void Save(
string file
Parameter | Type | Description |
file | string | The file to which resources are saved. |
Count Property
Gets the number of resources in the collection.
public int Count { get; set; }
Item Property
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
public Resource Item { get; set; }