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RegistrySearch element (Util extension)

Describes a registry search.


Bundle, Fragment


After (String) : Id of the search that this one should come after.

Bitness (wxs:BitnessTypeUnion) : Overrides the default registry to search. The value always64 will force the search to look in the 64-bit registry even when building for 32-bit. Simliarly, the value always32 will force the search to look in the 32-bit registry even when building for 64-bit. The default value is default where the search will look in the same registry as the bitness of the package.

Condition (String) : Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.

ExpandEnvironmentVariables (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Whether to expand any environment variables in REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ values.

Id (String) : Id of the search for ordering and dependency.

Key (String, required) : Key to search for.

Result (enumeration) : Rather than saving the matching registry value into the variable, a RegistrySearch can save an attribute of the matching entry instead. This attribute's value must be one of the following:

  • exists: Saves true if a matching registry entry is found; false otherwise.
  • value: Saves the value of the registry key in the variable. This is the default.

Root (enumeration, required) : Registry root hive to search under. This attribute's value must be one of the following:


Value (String) : Optional value to search for under the given Key.

Variable (String, required) : Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.

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