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User element (Util extension)

User for all kinds of things. When it is not nested under a component it is included in the MSI so it can be referenced by other elements such as the User attribute in the AppPool element. When it is nested under a Component element, the User will be created on install and can also be used for reference.


Component, Fragment, Module, Package



CanNotChangePassword (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : The user cannot change the account's password. Equivalent to UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE.

Comment (String) : Optional comment to set on the user.

CreateUser (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether or not to create the user. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to join a user to groups.

Disabled (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : The account is disabled. Equivalent to UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE.

Domain (String) : A [Formatted])( string that contains the local machine or Active Directory domain for the user.

FailIfExists (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates if the install should fail if the user already exists.

Id (String) :

LogonAsBatchJob (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether or not the user can logon as a batch job. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to set this access right on the user.

LogonAsService (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether or not the user can logon as a serivce. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to set this access right on the user.

Name (String, required) : A [Formatted])( string that contains the name of the user account.

Password (String) : Usually a Property that is passed in on the command-line to keep it more secure.

PasswordExpired (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether the user must change their password on their first login.

PasswordNeverExpires (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : The account's password never expires. Equivalent to UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD.

RemoveComment (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether remove the comment from the user. The default value is "no".

RemoveOnUninstall (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether the user account should be removed or left behind on uninstall.

UpdateIfExists (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates if the user account properties should be updated if the user already exists.

Vital (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Indicates whether failure to create the user or add the user to a group fails the installation. The default value is "yes".

See also

Group, GroupRef

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