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IWindowsInstallerDecompileContext Interface

The context used to decompile a Windows Installer database.


BaseSourcePathOptional gets or sets the base path for the File/@Source.
CabinetExtractFolderGets or sets the folder where files are extracted.
DecompilePathGets or sets the path to the file to decompile.
DecompileTypeGets or sets the type to decompile.
ExtensionDataCollection of extension data to use during decompiling.
ExtensionsGets or sets the decompiler extensions.
ExtractFolderGets or sets the folder where content is extracted.
IntermediateFolderGets or sets the intermediate folder.
KeepModularizationIdsGets or sets whether the decompiler should keep modularization GUIDs (true) or remove them (default/false).
OutputPathGets or sets where to output the result.
ServiceProviderGets or sets the service provider.
SuppressCustomTablesGets or sets the option to suppress custom tables.
SuppressDroppingEmptyTablesGets or sets the option to suppress dropping empty tables.
SuppressExtractCabinetsGets or sets whether to prevent extract cabinets.
SuppressRelativeActionSequencingGets or sets whether to suppress relative action sequencing.
SuppressUIGets or sets the option to suppress decompiling UI-related tables.
SymbolDefinitionCreatorSymbol definition creator used to load extension data.

WixToolset.Extensibility.dll version 5.0.2+aa65968c419420d32e3e1b647aea0082f5ca5b78

BaseSourcePath Property

Optional gets or sets the base path for the File/@Source.


public string BaseSourcePath { get; set; } 


Default value is "SourceDir" to enable use of BindPaths.

CabinetExtractFolder Property

Gets or sets the folder where files are extracted.


public string CabinetExtractFolder { get; set; } 

DecompilePath Property

Gets or sets the path to the file to decompile.


public string DecompilePath { get; set; } 

DecompileType Property

Gets or sets the type to decompile.


public WixToolset.Data.OutputType DecompileType { get; set; } 

ExtensionData Property

Collection of extension data to use during decompiling.


public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<WixToolset.Extensibility.IExtensionData> ExtensionData { get; set; } 

Extensions Property

Gets or sets the decompiler extensions.


public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<WixToolset.Extensibility.IWindowsInstallerDecompilerExtension> Extensions { get; set; } 

ExtractFolder Property

Gets or sets the folder where content is extracted.


public string ExtractFolder { get; set; } 

IntermediateFolder Property

Gets or sets the intermediate folder.


public string IntermediateFolder { get; set; } 

KeepModularizationIds Property

Gets or sets whether the decompiler should keep modularization GUIDs (true) or remove them (default/false).


public bool KeepModularizationIds { get; set; } 

OutputPath Property

Gets or sets where to output the result.


public string OutputPath { get; set; } 

ServiceProvider Property

Gets or sets the service provider.


public System.IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; set; } 

SuppressCustomTables Property

Gets or sets the option to suppress custom tables.


public bool SuppressCustomTables { get; set; } 

SuppressDroppingEmptyTables Property

Gets or sets the option to suppress dropping empty tables.


public bool SuppressDroppingEmptyTables { get; set; } 

SuppressExtractCabinets Property

Gets or sets whether to prevent extract cabinets.


public bool SuppressExtractCabinets { get; set; } 

SuppressRelativeActionSequencing Property

Gets or sets whether to suppress relative action sequencing.


public bool SuppressRelativeActionSequencing { get; set; } 

SuppressUI Property

Gets or sets the option to suppress decompiling UI-related tables.


public bool SuppressUI { get; set; } 

SymbolDefinitionCreator Property

Symbol definition creator used to load extension data.


public WixToolset.Data.ISymbolDefinitionCreator SymbolDefinitionCreator { get; set; }