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ColumnDefinition Class

Definition of a table's column.


CompareTo(other)Compare this column definition to another column definition.


AddedGets whether this column was added via a transform.
CategoryGets the validation category for this column.
DescriptionGets the description for this column.
IsLocalizableGets if the column is localizable. Can be because the type is localizable, or because the column was explicitly set to be so.
KeyColumnGets the foreign key column that this column refers to.
KeyTableGets the table that has the foreign key for this column
LengthGets the length of the column.
MaxValueGets the maximum value for the column.
MinValueGets the minimum value for the column.
ModularizeTypeGets the type of modularization for this column.
NameGets the name of the column.
NullableGets if the column is nullable.
PossibilitiesGets the set of possibilities for this column.
PrimaryKeyGets if the column is a primary key.
TypeGets the type of the column.
UnrealGets if column is Unreal.
UseCDataGets if whitespace should be preserved in a CDATA node.

WixToolset.Data.dll version 5.0.1+2f00cbe680fb01ab485d56f16de9cd19b133f875

CompareTo(other) Method

Compare this column definition to another column definition.


public int CompareTo(
ColumnDefinition other


otherColumnDefinitionThe to compare with this one.

Return value

int 0 if the columns' core propeties are the same; otherwise, non-0.


Only Windows Installer traits are compared, allowing for updates to WiX-specific table definitions.

Added Property

Gets whether this column was added via a transform.


public bool Added { get; set; } 

Category Property

Gets the validation category for this column.


public ColumnCategory Category { get; set; } 

Description Property

Gets the description for this column.


public string Description { get; set; } 

IsLocalizable Property

Gets if the column is localizable. Can be because the type is localizable, or because the column was explicitly set to be so.


public bool IsLocalizable { get; set; } 

KeyColumn Property

Gets the foreign key column that this column refers to.


public System.Nullable<System.Int32> KeyColumn { get; set; } 

KeyTable Property

Gets the table that has the foreign key for this column


public string KeyTable { get; set; } 

Length Property

Gets the length of the column.


public int Length { get; set; } 

MaxValue Property

Gets the maximum value for the column.


public System.Nullable<System.Int64> MaxValue { get; set; } 

MinValue Property

Gets the minimum value for the column.


public System.Nullable<System.Int64> MinValue { get; set; } 

ModularizeType Property

Gets the type of modularization for this column.


public ColumnModularizeType ModularizeType { get; set; } 

Name Property

Gets the name of the column.


public string Name { get; set; } 

Nullable Property

Gets if the column is nullable.


public bool Nullable { get; set; } 

Possibilities Property

Gets the set of possibilities for this column.


public string Possibilities { get; set; } 

PrimaryKey Property

Gets if the column is a primary key.


public bool PrimaryKey { get; set; } 

Type Property

Gets the type of the column.


public ColumnType Type { get; set; } 

Unreal Property

Gets if column is Unreal.


public bool Unreal { get; set; } 

UseCData Property

Gets if whitespace should be preserved in a CDATA node.


public bool UseCData { get; set; }