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ObjectField Class

Field containing data for an object column in a row.


BaseUriGets the base URI of the object field.
EmbeddedFileIndexGets or sets the index of the embedded file in a library.
PreviousBaseUriGets or sets the path to the embedded cabinet of the previous file.
PreviousEmbeddedFileIndexGets or sets the previous index of the embedded file in the library.
UnresolvedDataGets or sets the unresolved data for this field.
UnresolvedPreviousDataGets or sets the unresolved previous data.

WixToolset.Data.dll version 5.0.1+2f00cbe680fb01ab485d56f16de9cd19b133f875

BaseUri Property

Gets the base URI of the object field.


public System.Uri BaseUri { get; set; } 

EmbeddedFileIndex Property

Gets or sets the index of the embedded file in a library.


public System.Nullable<System.Int32> EmbeddedFileIndex { get; set; } 

PreviousBaseUri Property

Gets or sets the path to the embedded cabinet of the previous file.


public System.Uri PreviousBaseUri { get; set; } 

PreviousEmbeddedFileIndex Property

Gets or sets the previous index of the embedded file in the library.


public System.Nullable<System.Int32> PreviousEmbeddedFileIndex { get; set; } 

UnresolvedData Property

Gets or sets the unresolved data for this field.


public string UnresolvedData { get; set; } 

UnresolvedPreviousData Property

Gets or sets the unresolved previous data.


public string UnresolvedPreviousData { get; set; }