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WebAddress element (Iis extension)

WebAddress for WebSite




Header (String) :

Id (String) : Identifier for the web application. If the Id is not specified, it will be generated.

IP (String) : The IP address to locate an existing WebSite or create a new WebSite. When the WebAddress is part of a WebSite element used to locate an existing web site the following rules are used:

  • When this attribute is not specified only the "All Unassigned" IP address will be located.
  • When this attribute is explicitly specified only the specified IP address will be located.
  • When this attribute has the value "*" then any IP address including the "All Unassigned" IP address will be located When the WebAddress is part of a WebSite element used to create a new web site the following rules are used:
  • When this attribute is not specified or the value is "*" the "All Unassigned" IP address will be used.
  • When this attribute is explicitly specified the IP address will use that value. The IP attribute can contain a formatted string that is processed at install time to insert the values of properties using [PropertyName] syntax.

Port (String, required) :

Secure (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion) : Determines if this address represents a secure binding. The default is 'no'.

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