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WebError element (Iis extension)

Custom Web Errors used by WebSites and Virtual Directories.


WebVirtualDir, WebSite


You can only use error code and sub code combinations which are supported by IIS. Attempting to set a custom error for an error code and sub code combination that is not supported by IIS (in the default list of error codes) will result in an installation failure.


ErrorCode (wxs:Integer, required) : HTTP 1.1 error code.

File (String) : File to be sent to the client for this error code and sub code. This can be formatted. For example: [#FileId].

SubCode (wxs:Integer, required) : Error sub code. Set to 0 to get the wild card "*".

URL (String) : URL to be sent to the client for this error code and sub code. This can be formatted.

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