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WebDir element (Iis extension)

Defines a subdirectory within an IIS web site. When this element is a child of WebSite, the web directory is defined within that web site. Otherwise the web directory must reference a WebSite element via the WebSite attribute.


Component, WebSite



DirProperties (String) : References the Id attribute for a WebDirProperties element that specifies the security and access properties for this web directory. This attribute may not be specified if a WebDirProperties element is directly nested in this element.

Id (String) : Identifier for the web application. If the Id is not specified, it will be generated.

Path (String, required) : Specifies the name of this web directory.

WebApplication (String) : References the Id attribute for a WebApplication element in which this directory belongs.

WebSite (String) : References the Id attribute for a WebSite element in which this directory belongs. Required when this element is not a child of a WebSite element.

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