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InstallLogModes Enumeration

Log modes available for «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Installer.EnableLog(WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.InstallLogModes,System.String)» and «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Installer.SetExternalUI(WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.ExternalUIHandler,WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.InstallLogModes)» .


ActionDataLog the data record for installation actions.
ActionStartLog the start of installation actions.
CommonDataLog parameters for user-interface initialization.
ErrorLog error messages.
ExtraDebugLog extra debugging information.
FatalExitLog out of memory or fatal exit information.
FilesInUseList of files in use that need to be replaced.
InfoLog status messages that are not displayed.
InitializeIf this is not a quiet installation, then the basic UI has been initialized. If this is a full UI installation, the Full UI is not yet initialized. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged.
LogOnlyOnErrorLog only on error.
NoneDisable logging.
OutOfDiskSpaceLog insufficient disk space error.
ProgressLog progress bar information. This message includes information on units so far and total number of units. See «see M:WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Session.Message(WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.InstallMessage,WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.Record)» for an explanation of the message format. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged.
PropertyDumpLog the property values at termination.
ResolveSourceLog request to determine a valid source location.
RMFilesInUse[MSI 4.0] List of apps that the user can request Restart Manager to shut down and restart.
ShowDialogSent prior to display of the Full UI dialog. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged.
TerminateIf a full UI is being used, the full UI has ended. If this is not a quiet installation, the basic UI has not yet ended. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged.
UserLog user requests.
VerboseSends large amounts of information to log file not generally useful to users. May be used for support.
WarningLog warning messages.

WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.dll version 5.0.1+2f00cbe680fb01ab485d56f16de9cd19b133f875