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TableInfo Class

Defines a table in an installation database.


ToString()Gets a string representation of the table.


ColumnsGets information about the columns in this table.
NameGets the name of the table.
PrimaryKeysGets the names of the columns that are primary keys of the table.
SqlCreateStringGets an SQL CREATE string that can be used to create the table.
SqlInsertStringGets an SQL INSERT string that can be used insert a new record into the table.
SqlSelectStringGets an SQL SELECT string that can be used to select all columns of the table.

WixToolset.Dtf.WindowsInstaller.dll version 5.0.2+aa65968c419420d32e3e1b647aea0082f5ca5b78

ToString() Method

Gets a string representation of the table.


public string ToString()

Return value

string The name of the table.

Columns Property

Gets information about the columns in this table.


public ColumnCollection Columns { get; set; } 


This property queries the database every time it is called, to ensure the returned values are up-to-date. For best performance, hold onto the returned collection if using it more than once.

Name Property

Gets the name of the table.


public string Name { get; set; } 

PrimaryKeys Property

Gets the names of the columns that are primary keys of the table.


public IList<System.String> PrimaryKeys { get; set; } 

SqlCreateString Property

Gets an SQL CREATE string that can be used to create the table.


public string SqlCreateString { get; set; } 

SqlInsertString Property

Gets an SQL INSERT string that can be used insert a new record into the table.


public string SqlInsertString { get; set; } 


The values are expressed as question-mark tokens, to be supplied by the record.

SqlSelectString Property

Gets an SQL SELECT string that can be used to select all columns of the table.


public string SqlSelectString { get; set; } 


The columns are listed explicitly in the SELECT string, as opposed to using "SELECT *".