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Custom element

Use to sequence a custom action.


InstallUISequence, InstallExecuteSequence, AdminUISequence, AdminExecuteSequence, AdvertiseExecuteSequence


Action (String, required) : The CustomAction to which the Custom element applies.

After (String) : The name of the standard or custom action after which this action should be performed. Mutually exclusive with Before, OnExit, and Sequence attributes

Before (String) : The name of the standard or custom action before which this action should be performed. Mutually exclusive with OnExit, After, and Sequence attributes

Condition (String) : Optional condition that determines whether the action should be executed.

OnExit (enumeration) : Mutually exclusive with Before, After, and Sequence attributes This attribute's value must be one of the following:

  • success
  • cancel
  • error
  • suspend

Overridable (YesNoTypeUnion) : If "yes", the sequencing of this action may be overridden by sequencing elsewhere.

Sequence (Integer) : The sequence number for this action. It is recommended to use one of the other mutually exclusive attributes: OnExit, After, and Before.

See also


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