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OptionalUpdateRegistration element

Writes additional information to the Windows registry that can be used to detect the bundle. This registration is intended primarily for update to an existing product.




The attributes are used to write the following registry values to the key: SOFTWARE\[Manufacturer]\Updates\[ProductFamily]\[Name]

  • ThisVersionInstalled: Y
  • PackageName: {'{'>'}'}bundle name{'{'<'}'}
  • PackageVersion: {'{'>'}'}bundle version{'{'<'}'}
  • Publisher: [Manufacturer]
  • PublishingGroup: [Department]
  • ReleaseType: [Classification]
  • InstalledBy: [LogonUser]
  • InstalledDate: [Date]
  • InstallerName: {'{'>'}'}installer name{'{'<'}'}
  • InstallerVersion: {'{'>'}'}installer version{'{'<'}'}


Classification (String) : The release type of the update bundle, such as Update, Security Update, Service Pack, etc. The default value is Update.

Department (String) : The name of the department or division publishing the update bundle. The PublishingGroup registry value is not written if this attribute is not specified.

Manufacturer (String) : The name of the manufacturer. The default is the Bundle/@Manufacturer attribute, but may also be a short form, ex: Acme instead of Acme Corporation. An error is generated at build time if neither attribute is specified.

Name (String) : The name of the bundle. The default is the Bundle/@Name attribute, but may also be a short form, ex: KB12345 instead of Update to Product (KB12345). An error is generated at build time if neither attribute is specified.

ProductFamily (String) : The name of the family of products being updated. The default is the Bundle/@ParentName attribute. The corresponding registry key is not created if neither attribute is specified.

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