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Payload element

Describes a payload to a bootstrapper.


BootstrapperApplication, BootstrapperApplicationRef, BootstrapperExtension, BundleExtension, MsiPackage, MspPackage, MsuPackage, ExePackage, BundlePackage, PayloadGroup


BAFactoryAssembly (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion, from extension namespace : When set to "yes", WixDotNetCoreBootstrapperApplicationHost will load the DLL and instantiate the type with the BootstrapperApplicationFactoryAttribute. The DLL must have been built referencing the WixToolset.Dnc.HostGenerator source generator NuGet package. The .NET Core project must have been published, not just built. Only one payload may be marked with this attribute set to "yes".

Available in WiX v4. Deprecated in WiX v5. Move the Payload/@SourceFile attribute to be the BootstrapperApplication/@SourceFile attribute and remove the Payload element.

BAFunctions (wxs:YesNoTypeUnion, from extension namespace : When set to "yes", WixStdBA will load the DLL and work with it to handle BA messages. Only one payload may be marked with this attribute set to "yes".

CertificatePublicKey (String) : Optional public key of the certificate used to sign the payload. It is not recommended to use this attribute and rely on the Hash alone.

CertificateThumbprint (String) : Optional thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the payload. It is not recommended to use this attribute and rely on the Hash alone.

Compressed (YesNoDefaultTypeUnion) : Whether the payload should be embedded in a container or left as an external payload.

DownloadUrl (String) : The URL to use to download the package. The following substitutions are supported:

  • {0} is replaced by the package Id.
  • {1} is replaced by the payload Id.
  • {2} is replaced by the payload file name.

Hash (String) : Optional SHA256 hash of the payload. Must be provided if the SourceFile attribute is not used.

Id (String) : The identifier of Payload element.

Name (String) : The destination path and file name for this payload. The default is the source file name. At a minimum, the Name or SourceFile attribute must be specified. This must be a relative path ('\foo' or 'C:\foo' is not allowed).

Size (Integer) : Optional size of the payload in bytes. Required if Hash is specified, otherwise must not be specified.

SourceFile (String) : Location of the source file. The default value is the Name attribute, if provided. At a minimum, the SourceFile or Name attribute must be specified.

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